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2023 Sustainability and Climate Reports

Rothesay sets new short-term Carbon Intensity reduction target as a key milestone on its Pathway to Net Zero

We are delighted to publish our 2023 Sustainability and Climate reports, the latter of which is aligned with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

Together, the reports provide a comprehensive update on our approach to embedding sustainability principles across our business, including the insurer’s progress on its Pathway to Net Zero by 2050, our people strategy and charitable initiatives.

Central to our short-term priorities is a new commitment to achieving a 50% Carbon Intensity (CI) reduction across our total investment portfolio by 2030, building on the target we introduced last year to see a similar reduction across our publicly traded corporate debt portfolio.

Tom Pearce, Chief Executive Officer of Rothesay, said: “At Rothesay, we are clear that embedding sustainability principles across our business plays a fundamental role in delivering on our central purpose: providing our policyholders with security for the future. We are committed to creating a positive impact through all of our operations and for all of our stakeholders, including our policyholders, suppliers, people, community and investors. These reports update on the significant progress we have made in achieving our sustainability commitments over the last year along with the new targets that will further strengthen them. As always, though, we recognise that more can be done and we will continue to challenge our business to further enhance the positive change we can make.”

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