Scheme members
We protect pension schemes financially before their members become our policyholders. Until we have issued you with your own individual policy, you remain a member of your scheme and your pension will continue to be administered by the scheme's administrators.
Type the name of your pension scheme
Aberdeen City Council Transport Fund
AEGON UK Staff Retirement and Death Benefit Scheme AIC Section
Airways Pension Scheme
Allied Domecq First Pension Trust Limited
Aon Bain Hogg Pension Scheme
Aon UK Pension Scheme
BACB Pension Scheme
Berisford (1948) Pension Scheme
British Standards Institute Retirement Benefits Plan
Cadbury Mondelez Pension Fund
Campbell Fisk Limited Pension Scheme
CDC Pensions Scheme
Civil Aviation Authority Pension Scheme
Cobble Group Pension and Life Assurance Scheme
Cobham Pension Plan
Colt Car Company Retirement Benefit Scheme
Countrywide plc Pension Scheme
Cunningham Lindsey UK Pension Scheme
Dickinson Dees Pension Scheme
Grove Europe Pension Scheme
IPC Media Pension Scheme
John Dewar & Sons Pension Scheme
JT Inglis & Sons Limited Staff Pension and Assurance Scheme
Laird Pension Scheme
Makro Pension Scheme
Marathon Service (G.B.) Limited Pension and Life Assurance Scheme
Melton Mowbray Building Society Staff Pension and Life Assurance Scheme (1)
Morrisons Retirement Saver Plan – Morrisons 1967 Section
National Grid UK Pension Scheme (NGUKPS) – Section A
Newell Rubbermaid UK Pension Scheme
P&O Pension Scheme
Port of London (Upper Division Staff) Widow's, Widowers & Orphan's Pension Fund
Repsol Sinopec Pension and Life Scheme
Royal Insurance Group Pension Scheme
Royal Mail Pension Plan - Post Office Limited Section
Safeway Pension Scheme
SAL Pension Scheme
Shoefayre Pension and Life Assurance Scheme
Smith & Nephew UK Executive Pension Scheme
Smith & Nephew UK Pension Fund
Stannah 2005 Pension Scheme (pension not in payment)
Sulzer UK Defined Benefit Pension Scheme (Dowding & Mills Section)
Thales UK Pension Scheme
The AvestaPolarit Pension Scheme
The Co-operative Bank Section - Pace Pension Scheme
The Colt Life Assurance & Retirement Scheme
The Corning UK Pension Plan
The Johnson Diversey UK Pension Scheme
The Pensions Trust for Charities and Voluntary Organisations
The Prudential Assurance Company/PAC
The Shoe Zone Group Pension Scheme
The William Hill Pension Scheme
TI Group Pension Scheme
Volvo UK Group Executive Pension Scheme
Walsall Security Printers Limited Pension Scheme
William Kenyon & Sons Superannuation and Life Assurance Scheme