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We are here to help

Please click on any changes below that apply to you. 

Change of address or other contact details

Please make sure you keep us up-to-date with your personal details especially your contact address, email and telephone number(s). If you use our on-line service you may be able to use this to update details. Alternatively please contact us.

Please note
If you do not inform us of a change in address, this may result in us having to temporarily stop paying your pension until we have a valid address for you again. If we receive returned mail from the address we hold from you we may attempt to contact you using external tracing companies.

Change in the way you want us to communicate with you

Alternative formats
Please contact us to let us know if want us to send you letters and other materials using large print, Braille or audio files. If there is another format that you would prefer, please let us know that too and we will try to accommodate.

If you are deaf or hard of hearing and prefer using the British Sign Language (BSL) you can SignVideo to call us with queries or requests regarding your Rothesay policy.

Click here to find out more and/or use the SignVideo service

Change of bank account

If you want to change the account your pension is paid into, please contact us. Please try to give us enough notice of any bank account change - we have strict payroll cut off dates to ensure that all our policyholders are paid on time.

Please note
Your pension must be paid into an account in your name. This can be a joint bank account. We may undertake additional checks to ensure the validity of the account name.

Expression of Wish/change of beneficiaries

In certain circumstances a lump sum may be payable on your death. Rothesay has discretion over who receives any lump sum payment on your death but will always take your latest 'Expression of Wish' into account. To let us know who you would like to receive any lump sum payable on your death, you can complete an ‘Expression of Wish’ declaration.

Click here for an Expression of Wish form

Change in tax code

If you have received a change in tax code notification from HMRC we should receive the new tax code automatically so you do not need to contact us to let us know.

We cannot change your tax code without confirmation from HMRC. If you believe your tax code is wrong please call HMRC on 0300 200 3300 (UK) or +44 135 535 9022 (Overseas).

Alternatively, you can contact Tax Help, a service provided by the charity Tax Volunteers which is funded by HMRC, the tax profession, Rothesay and a number of other insurance companies. It provides older people on lower incomes with free, independent and expert help and advice regarding tax. You can call them on 0333 207 5652 or complete the form on the Rothesay page of their website.

Tax Help's form

For information on how to notify us of the death of one of our policyholders and the process we follow when one of our policyholders dies, please visit our bereavement page.

Power of attorney/deputyship

If you are concerned about the possibility of being unable to manage your own affairs later in life, you may want to think about creating an 'Enduring Power of Attorney'. This is a form that allows you to specify who you want to act on your legal behalf, and under what circumstances. Please click the link below for information about the process and what is required to set one up.

Power of attorney information from Age UK

If you need to register a power of attorney on behalf of a policyholder. We will need to have sight of the document which clearly shows it has been registered with the Office of the Public Guardian or provide the digital summary for those attorneys registered after 1 January 2016.

Please note, any pension payments will still need to be paid into an account in the name of the policyholder.

Living overseas

If you live overseas or are moving overseas, we can still pay your pension into a UK bank account in your name if your bank allows. Alternatively, we can pay your pension into an overseas bank account in your name. Please contact us for the bank mandate form you need.

Please note, we may need to make additional security checks to confirm the validity of an overseas account.

Certificate of Entitlement
If you live overseas, we will send you a ‘Certificate of Entitlement' form every year either by post or email. This helps us to stop fraud and protect your pension. It is really important that you fill in this form and return it to us within the specified deadline, otherwise we may have to temporarily stop paying your pension.

Please make sure you let us know if you change your contact details.


If you get divorced or dissolve your civil partnership, depending on the terms of your policy document, your former spouse/civil partner may or may not stop being entitled to a pension if you die before them.

You and your spouse/civil partner will need to consider how to treat your pension rights as part of any settlement. You may also wish to review your Expression of Wish nomination, to let us know who you'd like to receive any death benefits payable.

A pension sharing order can be applied to your pension benefits but please note there will be a charge to provide the relevant information and implement any order once finalised. For more information on the charges that apply please contact us.

If there is anything else you want to know or any additional support that you need please contact us