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The terms shown in bold underlined text in our privacy notices have the meanings shown below.

Agent information

Contact information relating to any individual entitled to instruct us on behalf of an individual insured under an individual policy, including:

  • Name
  • Address (email and postal)
  • Other contact details
Applicant information

Personal data relating to each of our job applicants. This includes:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Details of your relevant education and employment history
  • Any personal data you have provided within your curriculum vitae, covering letter/emails and other correspondence
  • Any personal data you have provided to us during an interview
  • Assessment information (including online tests)
AML and KYC data
  • Official documentation to verify identity (which may include photographic identification and signatures)
  • Official documentation to verify address including bank statements or utility bills
  • Source of wealth and source of funds
  • Details for conducting Politically Exposed Person and Sanctions checks against relevant lists
  • Adverse media reports
  • Personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences or related security measure
  • Whether individuals are on any sanctions lists
Beneficiary data

The names of individuals who, on the death of an individual who has pension benefits reinsured under a reinsurance contract, are potentially entitled to any death benefits which are reinsured under that contract.

Beneficiary information

Personal data relating to any individual that a policyholder would like us to consider as a potential recipient of benefits payable under the individual policy. Personal data in this category includes:

  • Name
  • Address and contact information (telephone, email and postal address)
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Marital status, dependants and next of kin

The landlord (or a company in their group) who has entered into a loan agreement with Rothesay Life Plc under which it has charged its interest in respect of certain properties (including the property where you are a leaseholder) owned by it or its group company as security for the loan

Business contact personal information

Personal data relating to individuals working for entities or businesses that have a past, existing or potential business or commercial relationship with us, including:

  • Name
  • Address (work email and postal)
  • Contact telephone number
  • Employer name
  • Job title
  • Job location
  • Other personal data concerning your preferences relevant to our services
Bulk policy

A bulk purchase annuity policy or any other insurance agreement which we have (or another insurer has) issued to the trustees of a pension scheme, under which we have an obligation to pay specified benefits earned by individuals under that scheme

CCTV information

Personal data relating to individuals processed by the CCTV system operated within our offices

Compliance Information

Data relating to individuals processed as part of activities to ensure we can comply with our legal and regulatory obligations:

  • Data provided by clients and counterparties to Rothesay for AML/KYC purposes
  • Results of AML and KYC data

The entity which determines the purposes for which, and the manner in which, any personal data is processed.

Data protection laws

Any law relating to the use of Personal Data, as applicable to the Parties, including:

In the United Kingdom

  • The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) including as adopted by the United Kingdom as a result of its exit from the European Union (“UK GDPR”) and the Data Protection Act 2018, and/or any corresponding or equivalent national laws and regulation in the United Kingdom and/or any other applicable jurisdiction; and/or
  • The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, and any laws or regulations implementing Directive 2002/58/EC (e-Privacy Directive) and/or any corresponding or equivalent national laws and regulation

In member states of the European Union (EU) and/or the EEA

  • The GDPR and the e-Privacy Directive, and all relevant EU and EEA member state laws or regulations giving effect to or corresponding with any of them

Also including any judicial or administrative interpretation of any of the above


A way in which a landlord can take possession of a property (which would include the eviction of a leaseholder if they are living in the property) if they break a condition of the lease, such as not paying the ground rent or service charges. The landlord needs to follow the statutory legal process in order for a court to grant the landlord with a possession order

Homeowner's personal information

Personal data relating to the homeowner of mortgage where we have financial interest in the mortgage. Personal data in this category includes:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Marital status
  • Gender
Individual policy

A pension annuity policy (issued by us or by another insurer who has transferred that policy to us) which documents the benefits payable by Rothesay to a policyholder and to any person entitled to benefits following the death of that policyholder (if applicable)

Induction information

Personal data which we need to process to commence your employment with us following an offer of employment. Personal data includes:

  • Bank details
  • Right to work status
  • National Insurance number
  • Passport details
Insurance member employment information

Employment information relating to each individual who has pension benefits reinsured under a reinsurance contract, which may include:

  • Employer (or former employer) name
  • Job title, job codes and job location
  • Pension benefits
Insurance member financial information

Financial information relating relating to each individual who has pension benefits reinsured under a reinsurance contract, which may include:

  • Details about the products or services we provide to you
  • Details about payments to and from your accounts.
  • Your financial position, status and history
  • Bank details
  • National Insurance number
  • Tax code
Insurance member personal information

Personal information relating relating to each individual who has pension benefits reinsured under a reinsurance contract, which may include:

  • Name
  • Address (email and postal)
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • National Insurance number
  • Policy number and other reference numbers
  • Marital status, dependants and next of kin
  • Retirement age
  • Retirement date

An insurance company with whom you or the trustee of your scheme holds an annuity policy

Joint controller

A controller who together with one or more other controllers jointly determine the purposes and means of processing the same personal data.


The company to whom you pay rent

Leaseholder personal information

Data relating to each leaseholder within a property that we have a made a loan against. Data includes:

  • Name
  • Address of property
  • Correspondence address (if different)
  • Contact details (including phone number and email address, if you have already provided these details to your landlord)
Lease information

Data relating to details of leaseholder’s lease and property. Data includes:

  • Amount of rent due to be paid to the landlord
  • Lease start date and end date
  • Use of property
  • Additional information – if you are in breach of the terms of your lease agreement, we will obtain more information about the reason for the breach from the borrower in order to determine what action to take

A company authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to offer mortgages to individuals

Mortgage information

Personal data relating to details of a homeowner’s mortgage and property

Part VII transfer

A legal process pursuant to Part VII of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 to effect a transfer of all or part of a long-term insurance business from one insurance company to another.

Performance cookies

Cookies that collect information about how visitors use a website. These cookies collect information such as the number of visitors to our website, how they arrived there (e.g. directly from the internet or through linking from another website) and tracking which webpages they visit

Personal data

Any information relating to a living identifiable individual, including:

  • Information such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, photographs, voice recordings and financial information
  • Expressions of opinion and indications of intentions about individuals (and their own expressions of opinion/intentions)
  • Information which on its own does not identify someone but which would identify them if put together with other information which we have or are likely to have in the future
Policy or policies

A bulk purchase annuity policy or any other insurance agreement (including longevity insurance), which we have to the trustees of a pension scheme, (or we are acquiring a policy issued by another insurer), under which we have an obligation to pay specified benefits in respect of individuals under that scheme

Policy administration information

Personal data processed as a result of administering an individual policy. This includes details about payments to and from your accounts, and insurance claims you make.


An individual who has received notification from Rothesay confirming that we have assumed a direct obligation to provide benefits to that individual and who has been issued with an individual policy in their own name (either by us or by another insurer who has transferred that individual policy to us) or where we have confirmed that we will issue an individual policy in due course

Policyholder employment information

Personal data relating to a policyholder’s employment that is relevant to the benefits payable to each individual insured under an individual policy, including:

  • Employer (or former employer) name
  • Job title, job codes, job location, and length of service
  • Pension benefits
Policyholder financial information

Financial information relating to each individual insured under an individual policy to whom we are obliged to pay, or are paying, benefits (including beneficiaries following the death of a policyholder), including:

  • Financial position, status and history
  • Bank details
  • National Insurance number
  • Tax code
Policyholder information

Personal data relating to each of our policyholders and any individual that a policyholder would like us to consider as a potential recipient of benefits payable under the individual policy, including:

  • Name
  • Address and contact information (telephone, email and postal address)
  • Policy or plan identification numbers and references
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Marital status, dependants and next of kin
  • Retirement age
  • Retirement date
  • Login credentials
  • Government identifiers such as passport number or drivers licence number
Processing, processed or process

This covers almost anything a company or individual can do with personal data, including:

  • Obtaining, recording, retrieving, consulting or holding it
  • Organising, adapting or updating it
  • Disclosing, sharing or otherwise making it available
  • Cleansing, blocking, erasing or destroying it

Any entity which processes personal data on behalf of a controller

Property manager

A company appointed to manage, or manage aspects of, the properties, such as the selection and vetting of tenants to live in a property, day-to-day management of the property, collecting rents and providing assistance to tenants

Reinsurance contract

A reinsurance contract that we have entered with another insurer whereby we agree to reinsure certain liabilities in respect of the underlying annuity portfolio


All amounts payable by you under the terms of your lease


If applicable, the pension scheme of which you are a member whose trustees have informed you that they have acquired a policy under which we have an obligation to pay specified benefits to the trustees in respect of you

Scheme member employment information

Information relating to the employment relevant to the benefits of each individual who has pension benefits insured under a policy, which may include:

  • Employer (or former employer) name
  • Job title, job codes and job location
  • Pension benefits
Scheme member financial information

Financial information relating to each individual insured under a policy, which may include:

  • Details about payments to and from your accounts
  • Your financial position, status and history
  • Bank details
  • National Insurance number
  • Tax code
Scheme member personal information

 Personal data relating to each individual insured under a policy, which may include:

  • Name
  • Address (email and postal)
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • National Insurance number
  • Policy number and other reference numbers
  • Marital status, dependants and next of kin
  • Retirement age
  • Retirement date
Sensitive personal data

Any information relating to any of the following:

  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • Political opinions
  • Religious beliefs or beliefs of a similar nature
  • Trade union membership
  • Physical or mental health
  • Sexual life or orientation
  • Genetic data or biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual
  • Personal data relating to criminal convictions or offences
Strictly necessary cookies

Cookies on our website that are essential to enable you to move around our website and use its features

Targeting cookies

Cookies used to track your behaviour on the website. This enables us to understand better who is using our site to ensure we are reaching our target demographic and to improve and tailor our services accordingly

Tenancy agreement

An agreement between us and the tenant that sets out the contractual obligations of the landlord and the tenant in respect of a property

Tenancy information

Data relating to tenancy agreements and properties (as described in the section "What personal data do we process?")


The individual that leases or rents a property that we directly or indirectly own pursuant to a tenancy agreement

Tenant personal information

Data relating to each tenant in residential property that we directly or indirectly own (as described in the section "What personal data do we process?")

Visitor information

Personal data that is processed when you visit our website and complete our web forms. Personal data may include: 

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your telephone number
  • Any additional information you provide
Website usage data

Personal data processed using cookies to improve your experience of a website and to ensure that it performs as you expect it to. This will usually be limited to your IP address

Policyholder administration information

Personal data processed as a result of administering an individual policy. This includes details about payments to and from your accounts, and insurance claims you make.